scholarship fund established by a
Grosse Pointe family in memory of
their daughter has granted a total
of $10,000 to four Wayne State
University (WSU) students. The Lara
Rutan, MS, PA-C Endowed Scholarship
Fund awarded scholarships to
Physician Assistant Studies (PAS)
students Maureen Bodenbach of
Farmington Hills, Ashleigh Finazzo
of St. Clair Shores, Emily O’Rourke
of Royal Oak and Leah Schew of
Ypsilanti. All students are in their
final year of the two-year program.
Since 2009
when the first scholarship was
awarded, 23 Physician Assistant
students have benefited from the
Lara Rutan memorial scholarship. "We
are most appreciative to the Rutan
family for creating an endowed
scholarship in Lara’s name. The
scholarship provides us with the
opportunity to celebrate Lara’s life
and her love for the program by
awarding this scholarship to
deserving students each year," said
John McGinnity, program director.
Judy and Rick
Rutan, parents of Lara, presented
the scholarships to the students at
the annual Donors and Scholars
Awards Luncheon, WSU Eugene
Applebaum College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences, on May 14.
The Lara Rutan
memorial scholarship was established
in 2007. Ms. Rutan, who was
president of her class, had
graduated from the PAS program in
2005. She was employed as a PA at a
clinic in Roseville and engaged to
be married before her life was taken
tragically by a drunk driver in
September 2005. More information on
the memorial scholarship may be
found at www.laraslegacy.com. If you
would like to make a gift to the
Lara Rutan Endowed Scholarship in
Physician Assistant Studies, please
contact Tiffany Cusmano, development
director for the Eugene Applebaum
College of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences, at (313) 577-0273.
The Eugene Applebaum College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences, one of
the founding colleges of Wayne State
University, is committed to
advancing the health and well-being
of society through the preparation
of highly skilled health care
practitioners, and through research
to improve health care practices and
treatment from urban to global
Wayne State University is a
premier urban research institution
offering more than 370 academic
programs through 13 schools and
colleges to nearly 29,000 students.
Maureen Bodenbach
Two of my main
interests in life have been the
practice of meditation and the field
of medicine. I worked for 14 years
in Hospice, having obtained a
master’s degree in Hospice and
Palliative Studies. Working
extensively with terminally ill
patients facing the end of life
inspired in me a wish to make an
impact long before a disease has
reached the terminal stage. Now in
my clinical year as a PA student,
I’m drawn to the fields of both
Internal Medicine and Pediatrics,
where I feel the most impact on a
patient’s entire medical trajectory
can be made.
In addition, as the
Michigan Coordinator for the
nonprofit Buddhist Global Relief,
I’ve organized the annual Walk to
Feed the Hungry in Michigan, which
occurs simultaneously in multiple
cities across the US as well as the
UK, India, and Cambodia. BGR focuses
on supporting local hunger relief
programs and education initiatives
for women and children in India,
Cambodia, Vietnam, Haiti, Africa and
the US, and has expanded its
programs each year. I’m very
interested in such global health
initiatives, and hope that as a
practicing PA I will be able to
participate in medical mission work
in underserved areas of the US and
around the world.
Science and medicine
are making amazing discoveries about
the profound connections between
mindfulness meditation and health,
so much so that these two paths of
meditation and medicine are able to
merge in many ways. As a Buddhist
with 20 years of meditation
experience, I hope to bring to my
practice of medicine as a PA
practical, mindfulness-based tools
that will aid patients in making
healthier decisions about how to
manage and, more importantly,
prevent disease.
Ashleigh Finazzo
I grew up in St.
Clair Shores, MI with my mother and
3 siblings. I attended Wayne State
University for four years where I
was a member of the Health-Pro Start
honors program, and was a
cheerleader. I graduated August 2012
cum laude with a B.S. in Psychology
with departmental honors. While in
college I worked in an internal
medicine office for two years as a
trained in medical assistant, became
a Certified Nurse Assistant in 2010
after which I worked in an assisted
living for two years. Following
this, I worked as a patient care
technician at St. John Providence
hospital on an oncology unit for 1.5
years, resigning my position this
past January 2014. During my time at
Wayne State as an undergrad I
volunteered in an Industrial and
Organizational Psychology lab where
my duties included running study
sessions and interpreting and
organizing data. In addition to
this, with the cheerleading team I
had many volunteer experiences with
various cheerleading teams within
the city of Detroit, most often
Think Detroit PAL. This allowed me
to be a positive influence and role
model in the lives of many young
women in the city, by teaching them
about the importance of confidence,
safety, and hard work. In my
personal life I have been a team
captain for Relay for Life St. Clair
Shores for the last 4 years. Our
team, “Babes for More Birthday’s”
raises money in honor of family
members we have lost to cancer, and
to help create a world where people
get to celebrate more birthdays.
Relay for Life each year is one of
my favorite memories, where we come
together as a community to remember
those we have lost, honor those who
have survived, and work together to
raise money for the people in our
community who are being affected by
cancer. I began PA school May 2013
and am very fortunate to have made a
new group of friends I see as my
extended family. I am the chair of
the fundraising committee, as such I
organize fundraisers to pay for our
class graduation. These fundraisers
include bowling, clothing sales,
wine tasting, and pizza parties.
Upon graduation I would like to work
in Psychiatry, more specifically in
a setting such as the VA, allowing
me to provide psychiatric care to
many of our veterans that need and
deserve it.
Emily O’Rourke
I have always known
that I wanted a career in medicine.
After shadowing and researching the
Physician Assistant role I knew with
its growth, flexibility, and
involvement in direct patient-care
that it was the perfect career path
for me. As a wife and mother, a
career as a PA will also allow time
for my family, while still
fulfilling my passion to practice
During undergraduate
school, I worked as a personal care
assistant to a young man with
autism. I received my B.S. in
Anthropology-Zoology with a focus in
pre-medical studies from the
University of Michigan in 2009.
After graduation I worked as a CNA
in Oncology-Hematology. My most
recent job was as an Emergency Room
Technician. These jobs exposed me to
a wide variety of medical
presentations, and also taught me
the necessity of individual roles in
medicine as well as the importance
of teamwork to accomplish the best
possible care for the patient.
Since my admission
into Wayne State’s PA Program, I
have worked hard to maintain a 4.0
GPA while remaining active in
extracurricular activities as
Co-Vice President of my class. I
took part in the CHASS Center 5k,
helping to raise money for the
clinic. I attended the MAPA
conference in Traverse City where I
was able to attend lectures, network
with fellow PAs, and was a member of
the Quiz Bowl team. I also have met
with the Pre-PA club at Wayne State
and spoke to them about the program
and preparing for the application
process. Recently I volunteered at
the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and it was
very gratifying to give back to the
local Detroit community.
Leah Schew
Leah Schew grew up on
her family’s farm in Pennsylvania.
She credits her upbringing for her
resilient (and relentless) spirit.
Leah did not have a direct path to
Wane State’s PA program. She earned
an undergraduate degree in fine art
and spent some time in the music
business before finding her way to
Wayne State University. Her
patient care experience includes
work in end-of-life care and
psychiatrics. She even put her
first degree to use as an
illustrator for Washtenaw Community
Colleges’ Online Biology program.
After PA school she plans to stay in
the Metro Detroit area and grow her
career and her family. “It takes a
village” to get through PA school
and she is grateful to people like
the Rutans that have helped her
along the way.