Lara was one of those rare students that I can immediately recall.
She literally lit up a room just by entering it. |
The best
way to describe Lara…She had open arms for the next stranger
that walked into the room, within 60 seconds, that stranger
would go from nervous and uncomfortable to feeling loved and
accepted. |
If you
asked me before her tragic passing, I would say the same
things I say about her now: She’s upbeat, she’s always
positive and she’s vibrant; she literally brings sunshine
into the room with her. She has a place in her heart for
She was the type of girl to always go out of her way for others, the
type of girl to lend a helping hand when one was needed, the type
of girl that went to the ends of the earth to ensure others happiness.
She was the girl that poured her heart and soul into everything she
did, including her relationships. |
I will always remember Lara’s big smile,
you could see it from
a mile away. |
For every day that I knew Lara, I am better than the day before. |
Lara, from her earliest days, was a confident and purposeful young
woman. She loved life and clearly recognized that she had important
contributions to make. She set goals for herself - like never missing
a day of school – and followed through where others might just
talk about it. |
A cute, friendly, vivacious
little girl blossomed into a beautiful caring young lady who
touched everyone she came in contact with by her warm and
genuine soul. |
us, Lara was a gem and there are no words that can describe
this energetic, loving, giving and caring beautiful young
woman. |
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