Sara C. Fukuzawa
is currently a second-year PAS
student at the Eugene Applebaum
College of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences, Wayne State
University,where she serves as:
Co-Vice President of the Class of
2013; the supervising chair to both
the Interview and Orientation
committees and to the Graduation
committee. She recently completed
each of the last two consecutive
semesters with a 4.0 GPA. Prior to
her entrance into this graduate
program, she completed a Bachelor’s
of Science in Human Biology at
Michigan State University in 2008
after completing coursework at Grand
Valley State University. She was on
the Dean’s List at both
institutions. She received several
academic scholarships in her
undergraduate years including: the
Michigan State University Board of
Trustees Scholarship for Transfer
Students from 2006-2008, the Bert
Price Diversity Scholarship, the
Helen Claytor Award, the GVSU Award
of Excellence, and the Michigan
Merit Award. At Michigan State
University, Ms. Fukuzawa was also an
undergraduate researcher through the
MSU Center for Microbial Ecology and
the President of the Running Club,
which competed in a National
Intercollegiate Running Club
Association (NIRCA). Ms. Fukuzawa
has been a volunteer of the Hospice
of Michigan, the Michigan State
University Alternative Spring Break
program, the Spartan Buddies Mentor
Program, the Conservation Volunteers
of Australia, the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society Team in Training,
and of Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation
Hospital, Hudsonville Physical
Therapy, and Dequindre Physical
Therapy. She hopes to serve in an
inpatient hospital in Detroit in an
ICU or in a Cardiology unit, and
would like to become involved in a
research-based surgical improvement
Aisha Kadiri
obtained a B.S. in Biological
Sciences from Wayne State University
in 2009, graduating summa cum laude,
and was one of the first PAS
HealthPro Start students admitted to
the program. After graduation, she
traveled overseas to provide care
for an ailing family member, and
worked as a rotating nurse’s aide,
and spent most of her time providing
care for recovering trauma victims.
Upon returning to the US, she began
working as a teaching assistant for
Biology 4200 at WSU, and as a
substitute teacher in Dearborn
Public Schools.
Prior to becoming a
PA student, she volunteered at
religious community centers, local
elementary schools, and tutoring
children, and worked as an orderly
in an urgent care center.
Since becoming a WSU PA student, she
has taken charge of several
fundraising activities for the
program, raising more than $5,000
during Year I of the program. She
has given presentations concerning
the Islamic faith in healthcare at
WSU. When not studying, she takes
care of her family and the
community. Ms. Kadiri
considers it her life work to help
Kristin N. Loush
is currently a second-year Physician
Assistant Studies student at the
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences, Wayne State
University where she serves as the
Michigan Academy of Physician
Assistants student liaison. She
just completed her first year of the
Physician Assistant Studies program,
earning a 4.0 GPA in each of the 3
didactic semesters. Kristin
graduated from the University of
Michigan in 2010 with a Bachelor’s
of Science in Movement Science. At
the University of Michigan, Ms.
Loush dedicated a significant amount
of time to serving the community
through work at the University of
Michigan Dance Marathon, High Point
Special Education School, Eberwhite
Elementary School, Mott Children’s
Hospital, and the Ann Arbor Senior
Center. She also served as an
undergraduate research assistant in
a muscular biology lab. This year,
along with the Lara Rutan Memorial
Scholarship, Kristin has also been
awarded the 2012 Athletes with
Disabilities Hall of Fame
Scholarship, granted to students who
intend to work with the physically
and mentally disabled populations
after graduation. After graduation,
Ms. Loush is interested in pursuing
a career in Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, possibly at the
Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
with her other interests including
primary care and cardiology. She
also intends to incorporate
community service and volunteer work
into her career, ideally in
Southwestern Michigan.
Valerie Sammut
obtained an animal science degree at
Michigan State University where she
was a member of the Equestrian Team
and the Horsemanship Association.
After graduating with honors, she
pursued a career in the animal
industry, and volunteered as an
advisory board member at a local
college to assist in developing a
curriculum, which promoted humane
and safe treatment of animals for a
veterinary technology program. She
coached an equestrian team for a
local high school, which stimulated
an interest in helping people. She
became a certified nurse assistant
and worked at an inpatient hospice
unit and at St. Joseph Mercy-Oakland
on a medical/surgical unit, and
currently works as an emergency
center technician at Troy Beaumont
Hospital. Prior to entering the WSU
PAS program, she has volunteered
regularly in the community and
during Year I of the program her
volunteer activities included the
following organizations; Focus:
Hope, Heart of Detroit, and
Operation Christmas Child) and
serves as the WSU PAS Class of 2012
as Vice President. while maintaining
a 3.94 GPA. She received the WSU
Graduate Professional Scholarship in
May of 2011.