Alexandra Godfrey
Alexandra Godfrey was the 2009 recipient of the Lara Rutan
Scholarship. Alexandra’s decision to train as a physician assistant
was fuelled by her desire to provide primary care services to the
medically underserved.
As a student in the Wayne State University
Physician Assistant Studies program, she worked at Cass Clinic,
free clinic for the medically uninsured and participated in the
Walgreen’s Clinic at Highland Park. Alexandra
was co-chair of the
Community Service Committee and the program president of the Student
Association of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (SAAAPA).
As community service chair, Alexandra helped organize collections
for Mott Children’s Hospital and Adopt A Family as well as raise
funds and awareness for the AIDS population in Detroit.
Alexandra’s interests are diverse,
including emergency medicine, cardiothoracic surgery, the medical
humanities, and end of life care. Alexandra has volunteered for
hospice since 2007, providing respite care for the terminally ill.
Writing plays a significant role in
Alexandra’s life. She has published essays in multiple journals,
including the online journal “Pulse”, “The Yale Journal of Medical
Humanities”, and the “Journal of the American Academy of Physician
Assistants.” On graduation, Alexandra was invited to join the
editorial board of the Journal of the American Academy of Physician
Assistants. She began her term in April 2010 and is absolutely
delighted to be so closely involved with formal published work of
the PA profession. Recently, Alexandra accepted a position as an
Emergency medicine Physician Assistant. She will start her new job
in August 2010 and is determined to continue Lara’s legacy, namely,
providing her patients with excellent and compassionate medical
